As we know, out of curiosity, children are often object himself to the things that could harm her without knowing. For example, babies often grabbed scissors, and shiny objects to suck, or reaching glassware while trying to stand. Toddlers often confuse liquid soap flavor strawberry for strawberry syrup, and hair gel with jelly. Toddlers often climb here and there, and sometimes running over wet floor.
There are parents who let it be, with the aim of providing experience. Another parents fear to say no to their children out of some psychological theory. Some has excessive fears, say no often and some of parents sometimes scolded their child.
Whatever your choice, as long as you're not exaggerating things, that's fine. After all, all methods of education has positives and negatives sides.
The important thing is, we must remain at the corridors of affection and emotional control. Do not vent your emotions to children. And, you should be ready with the consequences of your choice of education. Do not forget, for certain occasion, you still have to say no to children, if not, you will regret it when your children enter the emergency room because tasting some poisonous solution.
For dangerous goods / hazardous action, pieces of verse that is used is
ولا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة "
make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction (Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation)
and be not cast by your own hands to ruin" (Marmaduke William Pickthall)
(Surat al-Baqara: 195)
in a simpler word for children
And do not hurt yourself / And do not wreck yourself
Tips to teach this verse at home (practice not theoretical)
Keywords in the teaching of this verse is 'danger'. This verse is introducing the concept of danger.
First of course, place all dangerous things, on the shelves out of children reach. Avoid purchasing a dish washing liquid/ detergent with the smell of your child's favorite fruit.
Advise children (infant / toddler) that he still has much to learn.
'Andy (your child name), because you are new to this world, theres a lot of things that you do not know. Many times, you have to follow mom's order to get safe. If you are a bit older, and you know how to avoid danger, then I will not order you too much.
Take your time to tell your baby which things in this world is 'dangerous', and which is not. Remember, although she cant speak yet, she hears, and will remember it.
Point out items that should and should not be inserted into mouth.
'Andy, this is dangerous, do not eat. You could get stomachache. Allah love you, so God says in the Quran 'Do not hurt yourself'. If you know the RumahQurani sign method, you could do it too.
Show items that cuts. 'Well Andy, this dangerous, if you touch this side, you could bleed. it hurts. So, don't touch it OK? This is mother's glass. If its fall, it may break. Broken glass may hurt you. (if there are youtube videos on broken glass, show it). Broken glass is dangerous, you could bleed if you touch it.
Show her hot stuff. 'Andy this is dangerous. Its very hot. If you touch it, it will hurt your hand. Ouch!Show electrical stuff. 'Andy, this is dangerous. It has electricity. The current could bit you. Ouch!
Explain the meaning of harm and danger. ' Dangerous things, could make you hurt. Allah love you very much. So, Allah say 'And don't hurt yourself' (mention the verse)
When he broke a glass / plate. Lift him to safety, then explain. 'Andy, stay here please, and do not go near it, remember, the dangers of broken glass. It could make you bleed.
Remember what Allah said? (mention the verse). 'And don't hurt yourself'
Let mother / father clean it. But, because you broke it, so, you have to help me. Fetch the newspaper please. (We take the broom). We ask children to help, to introduces the consequences of her/his action. Its not a punishment from the mistakes.
When he plays with the soap solution, remind her again not to taste it (just mention the verse)
You know the book 'Lobo Rosso (the red wolves)? This is a children's book series that introduces the things that are harmful and its effect on children.
Read it and end with the words' Well,Allah love you. He sad if you hurt or sick. So, what Allah say in Quran? 'And do not hurt yourself'
No less important, is to teach non physical danger, such as sexual harassment, and alike.
This teaching target is not memorizing the verse. Remember, the main objective of Quranic morality teaching, it is to get children to maintain their sincerity and morality.
For this verse, the target is to teach your child safety procedure, and thats all.
We hope its useful
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